Cassandra or Apollo syndrome?
Quote taken from this source. [+] All we know for sure from the various writers of the past, such as Homer, Aeschylus, Virgil and Euripides, is that Cassandra will never be believed. No matter how real and true her words. Nor will anyone ever believe even after it has happened, that she had known how things would be. But why Cassandra came to suffer so, the writers of this sad story do not agree. Simply put, Cassandra was cancelled by the God Apollo. Nietzsche in The Birth of Tragedy (1872) contrasts Apollo as a God of light and knowledge - calm and reason, with Dionysus as a God of ecstatic emotions and drunken rampage. But the story of Cassandra and Apollo does not support this simple division. This story was written in a time when Greek society valued hypermasculinity. A time when sexual expression was defined by status, not gender, not love. A free male Greek citizen was at the top of society and women only one notch above slav...