Blurred lines. 2nd August 2021.

After a passionate plea. Sent as a voice recording. I said it was about the past. I had needed to tell him how I felt. How I felt about my son, my husband, the fear.. But it was in the time of Covid, Zoom, I was in the house. Impossible to speak freely. Now I need to tell him how I felt. An hour isn't enough time! I want him to know who I am. I sit in the car about to go.. This is not therapy! I had sent him a voice message full of blurred lines, and five months later the blurred lines had sunk into the mud as trenches surmounted with razor a minefield. I had no way to know this as I hit send. As I prepared myself to knock on the door and start this session I believed in him as a trusted companion. I wanted the enormity of my journey, the weight of it, the devastation, all of it to be witnessed and acknowledged. I was trusting him to see. And I needed an emotional, whole, a real interaction. There had been a bl...