Why are we not talking about it? 13th December 2021.

Monday afternoon - quarter of an hour before my appointment. In my bag there is the Samhain recording The missing information that I would have handed over last week I mean everything seems positive? Am I being hard on myself? I mean in some ways this is a great adventure Why do my insides feel as if they are made of water? I'm beginning to unravel. And this has certainly been an adventure, and it's been a year. A whole year! And really -------------- had such an effect. Everything made sense, all the impressions, visions, the feelings. I don't wish to sound all P K Dick and the pink light but there was something of this, in my experience. I think this is crazy. I just don't know. Part of me doesn't trust these feelings. And yet - what else is there to be done? Of course I should trust these feelings. I get out of the car and walk down the road to knock on his door... -- There is silence in his room. Just the sound of him moving about in the kitchen behind the ...