
Showing posts with the label 2025

Soul, pneuma and body...part 2.

 Part 1 On stepping backwards through time - as one does if one takes Tibetan Buddhism seriously - I shifted my thinking out of a 20th century education in science, into an 11th century view that corresponds very neatly with both contemporary esoteric concepts, and the Platonic version of perceived reality as simply a projection. But what is projected? The answer is - spoiler alert -  memory. But, let's go back - Buddhism 101. The material world is an undivided field of chaotic activity, an ocean of ripples, a sea of electrons, protons and neutrons and as everything is at least to some extent connected; changing one thing affects another. Everything is only where it is because of everything else. I create you create me...our perception is our interpretation. And from this thought we get the notion (well - I say 'we' but to be honest, please leave me out of this!) s ome people maintain that the world is an image of the condition of our own souls. Actually I encounter this be...

Epistemic injustice.

So, I've woken up in the middle of the night determined to delete this blog so many times!  Usually I revert all the posts to drafts so they will be unavailable, and then I find the courage from somewhere to un-draft them.  What causes my discomfort? There are five grave errors a therapist must not commit. To proceed in working with clients, whilst not having the skills, knowledge and character to work safely and effectively.  To fail to behave in a way that safeguards public safety and maintains confidence in the psychotherapy profession.  To be dishonest.  Behave in a way that causes harm or distress to a client.  Breach client confidentiality I'm unsure about 2. To fail to behave in a way that safeguards public safety and maintains confidence in the psychotherapy profession. I think I am highlighting a glitch in therapy, seeking out the cause and effect of factor X. I'm doing it in public because whatever factor X turns out to be, I believe such things f...

Power and subspace.

If you rewind back to here [+]  there is an image of me, on my knees, my husband's boot is pressed into my back - and it really wasn't an erotic experience. During that BDSM phase I partitioned the probability that his version of domination wouldn't reach me, whilst hoping that that it would,  eventually . Due to a really awful experience years before, a whole universe of catastrophically traumatic memories were locked in my body. I'd experienced the splitting that occurs when one's body reacts in a way that the mind cannot accept, and I wanted to go back there, to re-experience that with someone I trusted; to restore my sense of being able to chose, and to take back control.  So, all this is difficult to unravel, perhaps the most difficult thing for me to pick up on as I recall my experiences, is the role transgression plays. My guess is that the transgression has to break the submissive's rules, to create the altered state known as subspace .  Kit calling me ...

Bad therapy..

Bad therapy intrigues me at the moment.  Because none of us want to be bad therapists, and all of us have written thousands of words describing what good therapy is, and how to provide it. Bad therapy is a continuum, a lot of what makes it not good might be good for someone else, or seem too trivial to care about. But clients are often in an extremely vulnerable state of mind, and trivial can be the last straw. For instance one client may love sharing the room with the therapist's dog. But not every client will want that to continue - a person who is in therapy already feeling as if their words and emotions don't count won't, can't speak up. The task of the therapist to notice this - to use a sensitivity to how others might feel, and to be aware of the emotional tone of the other person's response. And then to ask questions in such a way to honour feelings, isn't easy. But it is important and it is our responsibility to notice discomfort. Timing is all, and timi...