
Showing posts from July, 2024

29th November 2021. The web.

After several references in our sessions to how much he enjoyed coffee fueled discussions at 3 am . After discussions we had that reminded him of all those coffee fueled discussions he had so enjoyed at university... at 3 am... I dared to take this idea further. It was excruciatingly difficult - but carefully, gently and slowly I explained that we could do something with this idea.  It was along the lines of, if we build it others will join...  More people, more ideas! So why was that so difficult to say? It seemed reasonable - I'm still part of a CPD group run by my first therapist. Difficult because I was using 'we ', making he and I into an 'us'. But he has done this several times before in our conversations. And each time I've grabbed onto it as if it was a life raft, each precious instant rich with a subtle heat created by our verbal conjunction that melted my heart! I had dared to use 'we' and 'us' before, but in a very low level way. T