The plane. 28th March 2022
He remarks upon my layers - I've put on too many clothes!
I say - " Let there be light"!
I'm so used to our opening conversation always being about the dimness of his room!
He asks me, am I not too warm?
And I say - "Well, I know that intellectually"
And this remark causes great hilarity.
He says 'You don't know it physically? (I laugh) You do know it physically but it doesn't matter!
More laughter...
He asks me what sort of conversation we are going to get today?
Me - "The airplane - I sort of needed to put it together. It sort of came to me in the early hours of the morning - in that time when things get put together - so I just thought I'd write. To put together the airplane that keeps crashing. It's crashed how many times now? The first challenge was cannibalism
(This refers to the times he has used an airplane as a metaphor during our conversations)
He - "Oh that airplane"
Me - "So this is a mixture, most of it is true so obviously some of it isn't"
He - "OK"...
Part one:
I'm warning you. This will be a love story. Just in case you are like me, too old for dreams of happy endings.
I'm warning you. This will be a love story. Just in case you are like me, too old for dreams of happy endings.
I’m not cynical, call it experience.
We fly lethal miles above the inevitable, and though love expands time, weaving threads of gold through dull memory, scattering the ashen ground we tread with jewels. Those diamond stars that twinkle so alluringly soon get into our shoes and make our toes bleed.
Rest assured though, this plane is going to crash. So ran my thoughts as I shuffled between seats, towards the one with my ticket number. Sitting down I let my mind accept the view from the tiny window; the wing, the engines....
There was more, but it was for him - so I've not included the rest.