Filter! 18th April 2022.

He - "So, do we have part 4?" Me - "We do!" Part 4. Above clouds, between the void of space, above the pull of earth. I am drowsy between reality and anxiety. At times like this when I have sought the glittering edge, I’ve longed for a simple way in; the perfect drug, the perfect word, the instant translocation .... Again, I've not posted the rest here. He asks me if anything changes because I write.? Me - "Does anything change because I write. Everything changes, but does anything change because I write. This is like you are talking to the real person, but I'm aware that things must change, but I can't say what changes" He tells me that it isn't necessary that everything changes... Me - "It must do, it is impossible for it not to. It is not possible for things not to change. Things can change slowly or quickly" He describes my writing as if in almost every sentence there's a reference to something which is implici...