Here ends Part One .

Autumn Equinox 2024. [+] This blog begins on Glastonbury Tor. High up - you can see for miles! It is understood as a magical place, the meeting point of many energy lines and forces. Many people come to stand there together. No one single belief system rules, it is free and open to all. Welcome! When I wrote the first post of this blog [+] I was in recovery from the therapy I'd received. Let me say that again, after therapy ended - I was in a bad way - because of therapy. I felt powerless, and silenced. Again. During the gaslighting [+] that ended just two months before I started therapy, I had needed to ignore all and any thoughts or feelings that contradicted my husband's version of reality. If I allowed myself to take my thoughts and feelings seriously, I would try to find out the truth. And when I did that....let's just say it really wasn't worth it. My husband had been lying to me - is the short version - and I've no ...