The effect of seeing someone who looks like my husband! 28/9/2021.
'He' in this case, is a lecturer for my diploma course. Saturday - It was the way that my body, before I'd become aware... it was automatic, without thinking. Suddenly we were both holding each other's hands! He looks like my husband. He moves like him. He wore a belt bag - not like mine, but there was a similarity between us in our belief systems, in that he was like me! But personality wise, he is nothing like me. And he is totally himself. He is not Gavin. But that moment of mutuality, of being in sync, it has left a mark, or a dent, or a rip - that without a second thought my body reacted - as if he was safe. And Gavin isn't a safe person. Gavin would not have held my hands. He would just have looked at me. But, my body would react with trust, habitual trust. And the mark, rip, tear in me and the nightmare I woke up with, and the ache and the tears? I was dreaming Gavin was in bed beside me, and it was the same as it had been; my frust...