Learn to Swim! 20th September 2021.

I talk about what happened - I'd been on a trip to Arron. I'd got tickets to see the band that got me through my son's psychosis. They cancelled. I looked for my lost daughter in the streets of Glasgow. I couldn't find her. He asks me, 'what was it like?' One more Portal map, one more weaving straw into gold, one more challenge that appeared to be impossible. And I got through with out breaking or crumpling or giving up! I get the feeling that regardless of what ever I'd said his reply would have been the same, he says 'It's still very present isn't it' a statement, not a question. I say - "Is it? The memories are clear - present? It is unfinished. But it's me doing the best I can do..." He asks, or is it another statement - 'so why is there a problem now'? What? In my family the recitation of disasters was a thing, the more awful the event, the more heroic is the teller of the tale! Regardless I stay with his ...